April 2022

Big River Continuum: River Sense Conversations Open House + Panel


Big River Continuum: Cohort Conversations

It is one thing to know about a river, and yet another altogether to consider the river itself as a way of knowing. The Big River Continuum is a Mississippi-long artist residency exchange that amplifies the interconnectedness of cultures, research, water and land through collaboration between the multimedia artist KAREN GOULET (WHITE EARTH OJIBWE) from th

Announcing the 2022–2023 IAS Research and Creative Collaboratives!


We are delighted to announce the IAS Research and Creative Collaboratives for 2022–2023. 

These self-initiated groups represent some of the most innovative work at the University. Their work—be it the development of a performance piece, the exploration of a concept or research area through different disciplines, or the creation of a supportive intellectual community—exemplifies synergistic interdisciplinary activity, and transcends departmental structures. We are thrilled to support this work!