Grants and Initiatives

NEH grant allows UMN Libraries to pilot digital workflow for interactive flap books

January 15, 2025

The Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine (WHL) and Digital Library Services (DLS) have been awarded a $100,000 National Endowment for the Humanities Research and Development Grant. “Making Meaning from Movement: Piloting a Digital Workflow for Interactive Flap Books” will develop a workflow for digitizing and hosting interactive flap books in online digital collections environments. 

University of Minnesota Receives $75,000 Seed Grant to Partner with Tribal Colleges to Transform STEM Education for Indigenous Students

May 14, 2024

An ambitious new planning project aims to radically remake the role of predominantly white institutions in STEM graduate education by centering Tribal Colleges and Universities in tribal land- and self-determination-based science training.

Consortial Partners Reflect on Humanities Without Walls’s Evolution

September 25, 2023

The Mellon-funded Humanities Without Walls network has created stronger, lasting institutional connections.

In the beginning, Humanities Without Walls was an untested idea. An experiment. Building HWW’s infrastructure was an evolutionary process, with several of the consortial partners finding ways to map or adapt HWW ideologies onto pre-existing institutional landscapes, while other members of the consortium forged ahead into more uncharted territory.

Institute for Advanced Study Awards More than $50,000 Through Imagine Fund Special Events Grants to Promote Interdisciplinary Dialogue and Public Engagement

Five major event projects across the University awarded grants

The Institute for Advanced Study announces $53,762.45 in funding to support five new Special Event grant projects across the University of Minnesota focused on the arts, humanities, and design. 

Open Opportunity: Undergraduate Research Assistant, TRUTH Project

The TRUTH Undergraduate RA will provide a supporting role to the Towards Recognition and University-Tribal Healing Project (TRUTH). The TRUTH Project is a grassroots collaboration between the 11 recognized Tribal Nations within the geographic boundaries of Minnesota, the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council (MIAC), and the Office of American Indian and Tribal Nations Relations at the University of Minnesota.