(In)Justice Series | Toward Just Futures
In the final event of the 2024–25 (In)Justice Series on Just Policing, we come back to the core concern of our project: What might it take to create just policing?
In the final event of the 2024–25 (In)Justice Series on Just Policing, we come back to the core concern of our project: What might it take to create just policing?
How can we ensure the lessons learned by organizers and activists today are made accessible for generations to come?
Why are police equipped and trained to treat citizens like enemies of war?
Untangle the history of policing in prisons in the United States and the extensive influence these systems have on elections, policy, and governance.
Can colonial policing be reformed?
Dive deep into the intricate relationship between colonialism and contemporary policing practices.
Join for the special in-person only launch of the 2024–25 (In)Justice Series on Just Policing!