A collection of recent news featuring IAS community members and programs.
- IAS Director Jennifer Gunn has received the President's Award for Outstanding Service, which is is presented each year in the spring and recognizes exceptional service to the University, its schools, colleges, departments, and service units by any active or retired faculty or staff member. Read the full list of recipients here.
- Tasoulla Hadjiyanni, Faculty Fellow in Fall 2010 and Spring 2018, received an Outstanding Community Service award. These awards, administered by the Office of Public Engagement, recognize faculty, staff, students, and University-affiliated community partners who, by devoting their time, talents, and expertise to serve the public good, have made significant, demonstrable, and direct contributions to society's well-being. Read the full list of recipients here.
- Canoes carry not only passengers’ weight but also the weight of history.
Jacob Bernier, HSPH graduate student and one of the student curators of the new exhibit, “Why Canoes: Capacious Vessels and Indigenous Futures of Minnesota’s Peoples and Places” was recently interviewed by the Minnesota Daily. Bernier was also interviewed by Minnesota Native News for their coverage of the exhibit.
- Perry Moriearty—professor in the Law School and convener of the IAS Research and Creative Collaborative Just Education: Addressing the Ripple Effect of Incarceration in Minnesota—with Myron Murrell and Elizer Darris, wrote an op-ed for the Star Tribune, “Racial Injustice Doesn’t Begin with a Traffic Stop,” in part about how Minnesota laws must change to protect children who enter the juvenile justice system.
- Josh Page, Faculty Fellow in Fall 2016, recently spoke with the Star Tribune about the strain on local government and larger implications as many Line 3 protesters have entered the court system or been jailed, as well as the complications between public and private policing in these areas. “Enbridge shells out $750K to law enforcement for Line 3 protest costs.”
- Sonja Kuftinec—IAS 5x5 participant—with fellow theatre professor Luverne Seifert on the Twin Cities campus, and Paul Ranelli, a professor of social pharmacy at the College of Pharmacy’s Duluth campus, co-created a class that explores the relationship between medicine and patients through the performing arts. The Duluth News Tribune profiled their work.