
Announcing the 2022–2023 IAS Research and Creative Collaboratives!


We are delighted to announce the IAS Research and Creative Collaboratives for 2022–2023. 

These self-initiated groups represent some of the most innovative work at the University. Their work—be it the development of a performance piece, the exploration of a concept or research area through different disciplines, or the creation of a supportive intellectual community—exemplifies synergistic interdisciplinary activity, and transcends departmental structures. We are thrilled to support this work!


Announcing the Five 2022–2023 IAS Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellows!

We are delighted to announce that the five IAS Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellows for 2022–2023.

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellows spend a year in residence at the IAS. Together with our Faculty Fellows and Scholars in Residence, they constitute a supportive interdisciplinary intellectual community in which they work intensively on their own research and creative projects and meet regularly to discuss their work and exchange ideas.

We look forward to welcoming each of these scholars to our fellows community!


Announcing the 2022–2023 IAS Faculty Fellows!

We are delighted to announce the IAS Residential Faculty Fellows for 2022–2023. 

Faculty fellows spend a semester in residence at the IAS. Together with our Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellows (who spend a full academic year in residence), they constitute a supportive interdisciplinary intellectual community in which they work intensively on their own research and creative projects and gather regularly to collaborate, discuss their work, and exchange ideas.

Announcing the Fall 2021 IAS Thursdays Schedule

Join the IAS on Thursday afternoons this fall for our eclectic, wide-ranging discussion series designed for scholars from all walks of life.

Events are free, open to the public, and will be held online*. All events will take place at 3:30 p.m. CT. Events are FREE, open to the public, and will be held online via Zoom. Additional details about each event, including registration details, can be found via the links below and on our events calendar.

The 2021–2022 Spotlight Series: Reconsidering Patriotism, Public Service, and Civic Engagement

We are pleased to announce the 2021–2022 Spotlight Series: Reconsidering Patriotism, Public Service, and Civic Engagement.

The series is FREE and open to the public (registration requested), and will be held online via Zoom and in person at Northrop in the Best Buy Theater (masks required).

Call for Submissions, Open Rivers: Women & Water

Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community invites submissions for our Spring 2022 issue on Women & Water.

In myriad ways, women are connected with water—as scientists, as activists and water protectors, as policymakers, as providers, as researchers, and as artists and storytellers. In the contemporary moment, climate change and disasters affect already compromised water conditions, making these entanglements with water both more complicated and more critical.