January 2024

JOB OPENING: Graduate Fellowship, Sawyer Seminar on Just Policing

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar on “Just Policing: Transnational Perspectives on the Definition and Possibility of Justice in Law Enforcement,” housed at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at the University of Minnesota, invites applications for two graduate fellows during the 2024-25 Academic Year.

Priority Deadline: March 1, 2024

The Global Reach of Local Activism: Minnesota’s Human Rights Stories


The people of Minnesota have played an outsized role in international human rights activism and scholarship since the 1970s. The story is also a complicated one. As Minnesota-based actors have made their international impact, the state remains the site of persistent human rights violations. 

Survival and Witness at Europe’s Border: The Afterlives of a Disaster



Dr. Karina Horsti: Government of Finland/David and Nancy Speer Visiting Professor, Department of Communication Studies, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Introduced by Dr. Emily Winderman: Department of Communication Studies & IAS Media Archives for the Future Research and Creative Collaborative