We are delighted to announce the IAS Residential Faculty Fellows for 2023–2024.
Faculty fellows spend a semester in residence at the IAS. Together with our Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellows (who spend a full academic year in residence), Community Fellows, and Scholars in Residence, they constitute a supportive interdisciplinary intellectual community in which they work intensively on their own research and creative projects and gather regularly to collaborate, discuss their work, and exchange ideas.
We look forward to welcoming each of these new fellows to our growing community!
Fall 2023
Anuja Bose
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Reconstructing an Internationalism of the Present: The Political Practices and Institutions of Global Black Politics”
Joseph Bump
Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology: College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Wolves: Creating Art to Picture the Science”
Daniel Greenberg
Assistant Professor, Department of Art History: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Mapping without Maps”
Atilla Hallsby
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“This Page Left Intentionally Blank: Rhetorical Forms of the Secret”
Lisa Hsieh
Associate Professor, School of Architecture: College of Design, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Spectral ArchiteXture”
Dwight Lewis, Jr.
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Justice, Inclusion & Equity in Philosophy”
Kari Smalkoski
Assistant Professor, Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“American Dream Disrupted: Reframing Narratives on Asian American Youth, Gender, and Inequality in Schools”
Spring 2024
Arash Davari
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Insurgent Witness: Revolutionary Iran and the Question of Self-Determination”
Katherine Gerbner
Associate Professor, Department of History: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Constructing Religion, Defining Crime”
David Gore
Professor, Department of Communication: College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, University of Minnesota Duluth
”Communication & Religion: The Gift of Presence“
Zornitsa Keremidchieva
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Irredentism and its Others”
Matthew Rahaim
Professor, School of Music: College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Improvising Relationality”
Katie Van Wert
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Linguistics & Writing Studies: College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, University of Minnesota Duluth
“Writing at the End of Life: Exploring Legacy Narrative in Palliative Care”