News & Stories

Walk with Us At the Water: One 5x5 Partners with Bde Maka Ska Artists

by altravis

One 5x5 group collaborates with local arts organization Catalyst Arts and three Indigenous artists to offer Walk with Us At the Water: a honoring, a connection, a gathering of resources at Bde Maka Ska.

Categories: 5x5s

Meet an IAS Collaborative: Preparing for Our Future Museums

by altravis

Introducing Preparing for Our Future Museums: Museum Studies in the 21st Century, an IAS Research and Creative Collaborative researching the academic program needed to provide knowledge and skills for new museum professionals to successfully meet current and future challenges of the field.

Categories: Collaboratives

Meet an IAS Residential Fellow: Florencia Pech-Cárdenas

by altravis

Introducing Florencia Pech-Cárdenas (Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellow at the IAS, 2020–2021), working on “Influences of Handicraft Production on Gender, Livelihoods, and Natural Resources Management in Maya Communities.“ She says, “The interdisciplinary nature of my research requires me to integrate theoretical frameworks and methodologies from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences to analyze my ethnographical, social, and ecological data sets.”

Categories: Residential Fellows

Meet an IAS Collaborative: Moving Image and Media Studies Graduate Group

by altravis

Introducing the Moving Image and Media Studies Graduate Group, a 2020–2021 IAS Research and Creative Collaborative, which is a collaboratively run nexus for students, faculty, and production professionals working in film and audiovisual media at the University of Minnesota.

Categories: Collaboratives

Meet an IAS Residential Fellow: Elizabeth Wrigley-Field

by altravis

Introducing Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (IAS Faculty Fellow, Fall 2020), working on “Race and Deaths from Infectious Diseases in the United States, 1900–1950.” “How did racial and ethnic inequality in mortality change as U.S. racial categories shifted in the early and mid-twentieth century?” she asks. “What would it look like to treat racial inequality in lifespan with the same urgency that we treat pandemics?”

Categories: Residential Fellows

Thank You, Karen: Karen Kinoshita Retires after 14 Years at the IAS

by altravis

Karen Kinoshita is retiring from the University on October 6, 2020. For the many faculty, students, staff, and visitors who have passed through the IAS, Karen has been the first person they encountered at the Institute. The IAS’s reputation for being a welcoming and supportive place is in no small way thanks to Karen, who joined the staff in December 2005, three months after the IAS first opened its doors.

Meet an IAS Collaborative: Religion and the Public University

by altravis

Introducing Religion and the Public University, a 2020–2021 IAS Research and Creative Collaborative that uses the tools of academic research and knowledge production to address questions and issues that arise at the intersections of religious freedom, academic freedom, and church-state separation on this and other public university campuses.

Categories: Collaboratives

Meet an IAS Residential Fellow: Kristine Miller

by altravis

Introducing Kristine Miller (IAS Faculty Fellow for fall 2020), at work on “Memoir as a Mode of Inquiry and Expression in Environmental Design and Planning for Social Justice.”  She says, “I will be working in collaboration with Professor Gail Dubrow to deepen and complicate my understanding of how story and memoir might inform equity-driven environmental design scholarship, teaching and learning, and action. . . .”

Categories: Residential Fellows

Announcing the 2020–2021 Spotlight Series: Polarization and Identities

by altravis

Register now for the 2020–2021 season of the Spotlight Series: Polarization and Identities, events inspired by both the 2020 Presidential Election and the polarization that has appeared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All events will be FREE and open to the public via Zoom and moderated by John Rash, an editorial writer for the Star Tribune.

Categories: Public Events

University of Minnesota Receives More than $315,000 for Humanities Without Walls Program

by altravis

The University will receive more than $315,000 from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to conduct a career-diversity workshop, plus faculty will be eligible to apply for $150,000 research grants. The IAS will begin offering seed grants and activities this fall.