DISCUSSION PAGE: IAS Community Forum Series: University Values

This page is open for public comments through Friday, March 15th. If you would like to share your ideas with us without commenting publicly, please email them to [email protected].

About the discussion

The transition in presidential leadership provides the University community with an opportunity to engage in collective conversation about our ideals and realities, and how to bring them closer. Join us for a series of Friday morning forums reflecting on the University’s mission, governance structure, and budget. These moderated discussions will generate ideas and suggestions to help inform President-designate Gabel’s understanding of the University and its possibilities.

Join the IAS for a forward-thinking conversation on University values in part one of this three-part series. Sumanth Gopinath (School of Music, Presidential Search Advisory Committee, Grand Challenges Research Collaborative Scholar) will introduce the session, followed by small group breakouts to discuss three key areas. We will then come back together as a large group to translate common themes across groups into ideas and opportunities to relay to President-designate Gabel.

The University Values discussion will focus on:

  1. How does the University balance the needs of our diverse constituencies? How can we best embody our core educational and knowledge values in our local and global partnerships? What do such partnerships at their best look like?
  2. How do we imagine the role of ethics and integrity at the University beyond legal responsibilities?
  3. How can we best maintain our values and commitments to our educational, research, and outreach missions while navigating the contradictions inherent in the business of managing the University as a multi-billion dollar enterprise?


  • This online discussion is open to everyone, though we have guidelines governing participation. All comments are subject to moderation.
  • No profanity, slurs, personal attacks, racist, homophobic, or ableist remarks, or other discriminatory or defamatory comments are permitted. Any comments found to violate this rule will be deleted without notice.
  • You are not required to use your name to post on this board, however we strongly encourage transparency as a way of creating meaningful dialogue.
  • We encourage all posters to ask thoughtful questions and/or provide detailed responses; if you are posting a response that would benefit from cited sources we encourage you to include them as text links or as hyperlinks at the bottom of your comment. If your reference is from a book or article not available on the internet, please include a full citation to the best of your ability. This is to ensure our discussions are as well-rounded and in-depth as possible, and to provide access to a wide range of knowledge.
  • Due to software restrictions, comments are not nested. Please be very specific in re: the question or person to whom you are replying (state question numbers and/or screen names).